Category Archives: Articles & Tips

How to Choose the Right Type of Candles

Paraffin This is the wax that, until just recently, you thought wax the only wax in the universe. Paraffin is made from petroleum. It's really cheap, so paraffin candles cost less than candles made with other waxes (though candlemakers who comparison shop and buy in bulk can get soy wax for only slightly more than…
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The Magic of Candlelight : Change Your Ambience!

The Magic of Candlelight : Changing The Ambience Now! A simple candlelight can dramatically upgrade the ambient of your home of office. Check out this simple tips on how to decorate using candle! Line a Staircase Light the way up a spiral staircase with simple glass candle holders. Create a Centerpiece A sophisticated centerpiece for…
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Tips Membersihkan Tetesan Lilin di Karpet

Akhir – akhir ini sering kita mendengar adanya pemadaman listrik secara bergilir. Atau sekarang juga kita sering dengar adanya hari hemat energi sedunia khususnya bagi listrik demi masa depan dunia. Dengan adanya trend tersebut, mau tidak mau kita harus menggunakan lilin sebagai pengganti penerangan di rumah. Namun kadang-kadang, lelehan lilin menetes mengenai karpet. Untuk menghilangkan…
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